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介绍朱生樑教授辨治难治性胃食管反流病的经验。认为难治性胃食管反流病的辨证难点在于涉及多个脏腑,病程中又易形成内生之邪,相似证候、性质不同的病机常复合存在。提出立足主要矛盾、明辨脏腑自身及相似脏腑病机变化的特点、厘清虚实权重的辨证思路,在脏腑辨证结合气血津液辨证的基础上立法处方。并附验案2则。  相似文献   
范忠泽教授认为小儿神经母细胞瘤的病因分为胎产因素及外感六淫、邪毒侵袭、饮食失节、情志所伤、接触有毒之品等导致气血运行不畅,痰凝气滞血瘀,聚而成瘤。临床难点是小儿五脏六腑形气皆不足,中医辨证为肺脾肾气虚,治则是调补肺脾肾,扶正为本不忘祛邪。临床谨守病机,辨证论治,颇有良效。  相似文献   
失眠是由各种原因导致的入睡困难和(或)睡眠维持困难的睡眠障碍,主要特征是睡眠感不满意,属于中医学"不得眠""不寐"范畴。传统多从心、肝、胆、脾、胃、肾论治该病,杜元灏教授认为脏腑机能失调,气血不和,阳不能入阴,阴不能涵阳,神不守舍而致失眠。重视"脑为元神之腑"的理论,且因督脉入络脑,夹脊穴为五脏六腑之气转输、流注之处,杜教授多强调从脑、督脉以及夹脊穴论治失眠,为针刺治疗失眠提供新思路。  相似文献   
目的:探讨王友仁主任医师推拿手法治疗寒邪客胃型胃脘痛的临床经验。方法:从病因病机和治则治法方面论述王老以"呼吸按动法"为主治疗寒邪客胃型胃脘痛的学术观点和临床经验,对其基本手法及配伍予以总结。结果:王老以"呼吸按动法"为主,配合温中散寒的手法治疗寒邪客胃型胃脘痛,临床疗效佳。结论:王老认为胃脘痛多因胃腑外感寒邪或脾胃阳虚所致,呼吸按动法疗效显著。  相似文献   
放射性口腔炎是口腔和头颈部肿瘤放疗过程中常见的并发症,西医目前尚无有效治疗手段。根据放射性口腔炎的临床表现,蒋士卿教授认为放射线属于“火毒”之邪,火毒蕴结、气阴两伤是放射性口腔炎的基本病机。随着射线剂量的累加,邪热渐盛,正气渐虚,脾气渐伤,久病及肾,疾病呈阶段性。发病初期热结上焦、火毒灼津,中期热伏中焦、脾虚热结,后期热伤下焦、虚火上炎,火邪贯穿于放射性口腔炎临床表现的始终,因此其根据放疗不同阶段口腔炎症特点标本兼顾,辨证诊治,分别运用泻火解毒法、泻火补土法、补土伏火法,临床治疗效果显著。  相似文献   
谭新华教授采用温肾补肝、益肾疏肝、填精消癥、养肾柔肝、补肾泻肝之法治疗男性不育症、勃起功能障碍、前列腺增生症、精索静脉曲张、慢性前列腺炎等男科疾病临床疗效显著。本文结合典型案例对谭教授从肝肾论治男科疾病经验进行总结。  相似文献   
我国家庭医生绩效管理主要为政府主导,因为相关政策起步相对较晚,目前无论是国家还是地方,都尚且处在一个尝试摸索的阶段,还没有形成一个完备统一的考核体系。本文中,笔者将对现阶段我国家庭医生绩效考核相关制度及进展现状进行阐述,同时关于我国医生绩效考核机制存在的问题,提出针对性建议,为优化我国家庭医生签约制度提供参考。  相似文献   
Background: Egyptian street youth use substances including tobacco, illicit drugs, and pharmaceutical drugs. To understand the circumstances, including adverse childhood experiences, that place adolescents at risk for engaging in substance use, we conducted in-depth interviews among a sample of Egyptian street children. Methods: From youth residing at or attending Caritas, a non-profit organization, which provides shelter and education to street youth, seven girls and twelve boys, aged 12–18 years, participated in open-ended, in-depth interviews. Results: Eight out of the 19 participants reported family history (early exposure) to substance use; and seven of them were initiated by either a family member (sibling), friend or coworker. Most of the participants reported a history of conflict with or abuse (verbal or physical) by their parents or siblings, or stressful situations at home; they used substance(s) to alleviate their stress. Few attended school, and some were forced to work and help their family. Conclusions: Among Egyptian youth, adverse childhood experiences, such as poverty, child abuse, and family substance use, challenge somewhat susceptible youths and lead them to the path of substance use and addiction. Prevention intervention should be multifaceted, culturally adaptable, and primarily targeting the social environment during childhood.  相似文献   
林国华针灸治疗难治性突发性耳聋经验撷要   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
总结林国华教授针灸治疗难治性突发性耳聋经验,并对典型医案进行介绍。林国华教授认为本病多因少阳经气厥塞所致,提倡尽早针灸干预,治病求本,谨守"少阳暴厥"之病机,谨遵"疏解少阳,通耳开窍"之法,临证必用听宫,主取少阳经穴,辅予辨经取穴,巧施发蒙针法与气流灌耳法,妙用岭南火针疗法,必要时调气调神、加取募穴,共奏通耳复聪之效。  相似文献   
ObjectiveTo provide an overview of the current available music assessment tools after cochlear implantation (CI); to report on the utilization of music assessments in the literature; to propose potential future directions in music assessment after CI.MethodsA thorough search was performed in PubMed, Embase, and The Cochrane Library through October 31, 2020. MeSH search terms, keywords, and phrases included “cochlear implant,” “cochlear prosthesis,” “auditory prosthesis,” “music,” “music assessment,” “music questionnaire,” “music perception,” “music enjoyment, and “music experience.” Potentially relevant studies were reviewed for inclusion, with particular focus on assessments developed specifically for the cochlear implant population and intended for widespread use.Results/conclusionsSix hundred and forty-three studies were screened for relevance to assessment of music experience among cochlear implantees. Eighty-one studies ultimately met criteria for inclusion. There are multiple validated tools for assessment of music experience after cochlear implantation, each of which provide slightly differing insights into the patients’ subjective and/or objective post-activation experience. However, no single assessment tool has been adopted into widespread use and thus, much of the literature pertaining to this topic evaluates outcomes non-uniformly, including single-use assessments designed specifically for the study at hand. The lack of a widely accepted universal tool for assessment of music limits our collective understanding the contributory and mitigating factors applicable to current music experience of cochlear implantees, and limits our ability to uniformly evaluate the success of new implant technologies or music training paradigms.  相似文献   
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